The 2021 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code Illustrated Training Manual is a must-have book for all levels of code users of the Uniform Plumbing Code as this publication provides the most complete reference document for the 2021 UPC. The commentary narrative is a living document that continues to grow and mature and displays qualities that have progressed beyond its previous edition. Known for technical accuracy, its value lies in its use as a training document. Every narrative has been revaluated for both its technical and grammatical content. Based on the 2021 UPC, this edition of the ITM includes: The entire 2021 UPC text as developed and published through the ANSI consensus process. A new feature brought to this edition is Learning Links. Learning Links are URLs to be typed into your Internet browser that will link you with a video presentation to better illustrate the commentary. The Learning Links in the ITM eBook will be hyperlinks that your cursor can hover over and click on to automatically open your browser to the video presentation. A list of Learning Links follows the Table of Contents. Narrative discussion for most sections of the code. An icon (a wrench) underneath the applicable code section serving as a pointer to direct the reader toward important information. Hundreds of full-color photos and graphics.